mardi 19 janvier 2016

INTRODUCTION : Painting, mouvement and composition

Art tends towards beauty and every branch of art, painting, poetry, music, does with his own medium. The mediums are not infinite, so they're incomplete. Therefore, every art research to strive for completeness, a beauty in itself.

Thus, the music search silence.
Dance research flight.

Painting research movement.

It is the movement, the linkage in time that painting seeks, more than the representation of the third dimension that has been resolved with the rules of perspective. Seeking movement, artists create visual links in their paintings to put the eye in action, emotions in vibration. This is to remind us that as everything is related.
The eye and the emotions being in motion, the mind tries to understand
Seeking to understand a story takes place.
The still image of the painting becomes for the viewer a story set.

"The supreme goal of painting is to tell a story"
                                                                  Philostratus (philosopher 165-254)

With which medium the painters seek to move their viewers to create meaning in order to tell ?
The theme ? The drawing ? The color ?

I try to show with my pictorial archeology work that it is by the rules and techniques of composition that painters propose relationships, links that are perceived and experienced as seen. These links allow composition to weave a coherent and primarily to tell a story.

"Everything is in the composition" Raphael

But more than rules and techniques, I propose to see by yourself that the painters were using a concrete philosophy of the look. This philosophy would certainly born with ancient Greece *. This look has laid the foundations of pictorial composition then enrichire over the centuries in the shadow of the workshops of the Renaissance masters. This philosophy had the central idea that everything is linked in our universe and thus the paint can not get out of this law of the relationship. Painters have therefore invented and developed a system of invisible links between the characters and symbols to make them "speak".

My proposed rules compositions and techniques are verifiable and reproducible. This means that these theories that validate assumptions applicable to a large number of pictorial works and through several schools. These rules lead to a reflection on a composition of painters that would move the gaze of the viewer.

Guy MAUCHAMP - researcher pictorial composition
I would be very happy that this blog puts me in connection with other passionate fans who would validate or invalidate my proposals, which is a cornerstone of any serious approach.

* There would be a study to deepen the schools of Pythagoras, Democritus and Empedocles about the theory of "diaphanous". Theory developed as a philosophy of art by Democritus. The plots as I watch them seem to be born during this ancient time.


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